Results for 'W. Randy Evans'

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  1.  25
    Human Resource Practices and Managerial Perceptions of Normative and Economic Value.W. Randy Evans - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:310-313.
    It proposed that certain types of human resource (HR) practices can be both normatively rooted and also instrumental in achieving economic goals. Specifically,managers may perceive organizational justice HR practices and work-family conflict HR practices as a legitimate response to these seemingly conflicting interests. Legitimacy evaluations of HR practices by managers are also likely to impact managerial perceptions of organizational reputation.
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    Syntactic loss versus processing deficit: An assessment of two theories of agrammatism and syntactic comprehension deficits.Randi C. Martin, W. Frederick Wetzel, Carol Blossom-Stach & Edward Feher - 1989 - Cognition 32 (2):157-191.
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    A Wearable Mixed Reality Platform to Augment Overground Walking: A Feasibility Study.Emily Evans, Megan Dass, William M. Muter, Christopher Tuthill, Andrew Q. Tan & Randy D. Trumbower - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Humans routinely modify their walking speed to adapt to functional goals and physical demands. However, damage to the central nervous system often results in abnormal modulation of walking speed and increased risk of falls. There is considerable interest in treatment modalities that can provide safe and salient training opportunities, feedback about walking performance, and that may augment less reliable sensory feedback within the CNS after injury or disease. Fully immersive virtual reality technologies show benefits in boosting training-related gains in walking (...)
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    No Arbitrary Power: An Originalist Theory of the Due Process of Law.Randy E. Barnett & Evan Bernick - 2019 - William and Mary Law Review 60 (5):1599-1683.
    “Due process of law” is arguably the most controversial and frequently-litigated phrase in the American Constitution. Although the dominant originalist view has long been that Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process of Law Clauses are solely “process” guarantees and don’t constrain the “substance” of legislation at all, originalist scholars have in recent years made fresh inquiries into the historical evidence and concluded that there’s a weighty case for some form of substantive due process. In this Article, we review and critique (...)
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    Legal liabilities in research: early lessons from North America.Randi Zlotnik Shaul, Shelley Birenbaum & Megan Evans - 2005 - BMC Medical Ethics 6 (1):4.
    The legal risks associated with health research involving human subjects have been highlighted recently by a number of lawsuits launched against those involved in conducting and evaluating the research. Some of these cases have been fully addressed by the legal system, resulting in judgments that provide some guidance. The vast majority of cases have either settled before going to trial, or have not yet been addressed by the courts, leaving us to wonder what might have been and what guidance future (...)
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  6. Human facial beauty.Randy Thornhill & Steven W. Gangestad - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (3):237-269.
    It is hypothesized that human faces judged to be attractive by people possess two features—averageness and symmetry—that promoted adaptive mate selection in human evolutionary history by way of production of offspring with parasite resistance. Facial composites made by combining individual faces are judged to be attractive, and more attractive than the majority of individual faces. The composites possess both symmetry and averageness of features. Facial averageness may reflect high individual protein heterozygosity and thus an array of proteins to which parasites (...)
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    Illiberal Reactions to Higher Education.Evan Schofer, Julia C. Lerch & John W. Meyer - 2022 - Minerva 60 (4):509-534.
    Higher education has expanded at astonishing rates around the world. We seek to understand the oppositions that periodically arise, which may produce enrollment declines and/or imposition of political controls. The post-1945 growth of higher education was – to a greater extent than is often recognized – propelled by the liberal, and later neoliberal, international order. Oppositions arise from illiberal alternatives, which also may organize globally. The recent weakening of the global liberal order, associated with growing populism and nationalism, creates conditions (...)
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  8. External intrusion, internal tragedy : environmental pollution and multinational corporations in sub-Saharan Africa.Evans S. Osabuohien, Uchenna R. Efobi & Ciliaka M. W. Gitau - 2013 - In Liam Leonard & Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (eds.), Principles and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with corporate requirements. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
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    Endogenous Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Aggression in Domestic Dogs.Evan L. MacLean, Laurence R. Gesquiere, Margaret E. Gruen, Barbara L. Sherman, W. Lance Martin & C. Sue Carter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  10. Perspectival objectivity.Peter W. Evans - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-21.
    Building on self-professed perspectival approaches to both scientific knowledge and causation, I explore the potentially radical suggestion that perspectivalism can be extended to account for a type of objectivity in science. Motivated by recent claims from quantum foundations that quantum mechanics must admit the possibility of observer-dependent facts, I develop the notion of ‘perspectival objectivity’, and suggest that an easier pill to swallow, philosophically speaking, than observer-dependency is perspective-dependency, allowing for a notion of observer-independence indexed to an agent perspective. Working (...)
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  11.  13
    Non-Required CEO Disclosures and Stock Price Volatility.Frank C. Butler, Randy Evans & Nai H. Lamb - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (3):255-273.
    Personal life events of a chief executive officer can generate tensions between the CEO’s right to personal privacy and the desire of shareholders for information. Such circumstances can create information asymmetry between the executive management and the shareholders of a firm, a situation likely to produce unfavorable pressures on an organization’s stock price. Failure to fully disclose material personal life events can impact the decision-making actions of the CEO, causing the stock price of the firm to vacillate as a result (...)
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  12.  12
    The role of adaptive processes in intellectual functioning among older adults.Gary W. Evans & Megan A. Lewis - 1990 - In Judith Rodin, Carmi Schooler & K. Warner Schaie (eds.), Self-directedness: cause and effects throughout the life course. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 183--197.
  13.  53
    Implicit Detection of Poetic Harmony by the Naïve Brain.Awel Vaughan-Evans, Robat Trefor, Llion Jones, Peredur Lynch, Manon W. Jones & Guillaume Thierry - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  14.  30
    (1 other version)The Form of Causation in Health, Disease and Intervention: Biopsychosocial Dispositionalism, Conserved Quantity Transfers and Dualist Mechanistic Chains.David W. Evans, Nicholas Lucas & Roger Kerry - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: A European Journal 20 (3):353-363.
    Causation is important when considering how an organism maintains health, why disease arises in a healthy person, and how one may intervene to change the course of a disease. This paper explores the form of causative relationships in health, disease and intervention, with particular regard to the pathological and biopsychosocial models. Consistent with the philosophical view of dispositionalism, we believe that objects are the fundamental relata of causation. By accepting the broad scope of the biopsychosocial model, we argue that psychological (...)
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  15.  36
    Effects of Affiliative Human–Animal Interaction on Dog Salivary and Plasma Oxytocin and Vasopressin.Evan L. MacLean, Laurence R. Gesquiere, Nancy R. Gee, Kerinne Levy, W. Lance Martin & C. Sue Carter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  16.  91
    A Sideways Look at Faithfulness for Quantum Correlations.Peter W. Evans - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (1):28-42.
    Despite attempts to apply causal modeling techniques to quantum systems, Wood and Spekkens argue that any causal model purporting to explain quantum correlations must be fine tuned; it must violate the assumption of faithfulness. This paper is an attempt to undermine the reasonableness of the assumption of faithfulness in the quantum context. Employing a symmetry relation between an entangled quantum system and a “sideways” quantum system consisting of a single photon passing sequentially through two polarizers, I argue that Wood and (...)
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  17.  22
    The Trump Administration Versus Human Rights: Executive Agency or Policy Inertia?Evan W. Sandlin - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):333-359.
    President Trump verbally attacked human rights in his campaign rhetoric in 2016, leading many to believe that he would undermine the role of human rights in US foreign policy as President. I examine whether or not President Trump’s anti-human rights rhetoric manifested in US foreign policy by analyzing potential changes in how human rights were considered in foreign aid allocations under the Trump Administration. While President Trump had a number of executive tools at his disposal to exert control over foreign (...)
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  18. Modeling prejudice reduction: Spatialized game theory and the contact hypothesis.Patrick Grim, Evan Selinger, William Braynen, Robert Rosenberger, Randy Au, Nancy Louie & John Connolly - 2005 - Public Affairs Quarterly 19 (2):95-125.
    We apply spatialized game theory and multi-agent computational modeling as philosophical tools: (1) for assessing the primary social psychological hypothesis regarding prejudice reduction, and (2) for pursuing a deeper understanding of the basic mechanisms of prejudice reduction.
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  19. The Tibetan Book of the Dead: or the After Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane, 3rd Ed.W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ - 1957
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  20. Ethical Tensions in the Role of the Medical Interpreter.Evan Goler & Jennifer W. Mack - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):189-193.
    Medical interpreters play central roles in the care of patients with limited English proficiency, many of whom are vulnerable to challenges in care. Yet ethical tensions arise in the care of these patients, including tensions between translating with fidelity to spoken words versus ensuring understanding; supporting values of beneficence versus autonomy; reacting with passivity versus advocacy; and interacting with patients with neutrality versus compassion. These tensions reflect the commitment of interpreters featured in narratives to providing patient-centered care through challenging circumstances. (...)
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  21. Electron and Proton Spin Resonance Induced by Circularly Polarized Radiation: A Classical Derivation.M. W. Evans & L. B. Crowell - 1998 - Apeiron 5 (3-4):165.
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  22. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines.W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Alexandra David-Neel, Lama Yongdon & David Snellgrove - 1958 - Philosophy East and West 8 (3):165-169.
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  23. List of Contents: Volume 15, Number 3, June 2002.M. W. Evans, T. E. Bearden & A. Labounsky - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (10).
  24.  49
    How clocks define physical time.Peter W. Evans, Gerard J. Milburn & Sally Shrapnel - unknown
    It is the prevailing paradigm in contemporary physics to model the dynamical evolution of physical systems in terms of a real parameter conventionally denoted as 't' ('little tee'). We typically call such dynamical models laws of nature' and t we call 'physical time'. It is common in the philosophy of time to regard t as time itself, and to take the global structure of general relativity as the ultimate guide to physical time, and so consequently the true nature of time. (...)
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  25. Helicity and the Electromagnetic Field.M. W. Evans - 1997 - Apeiron 4 (2-3):49.
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  26. (1 other version)Tibetan yoga and secret doctrines.W. Y. Evans-Wentz - 1935 - London,: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Zla-Ba-Bsam-'Grub.
    General introduction.--The supreme path of discipleship: the precepts of the gurus.--The nirvānic path: the yoga of the great symbol.--The path of knowledge: the yoga of the six doctrines.--The path of transference: the yoga of consciousness-trnsference.--The path of the mystic sacrifice: the yoga of subduing the lower self.--The path of the five wisdoms: the yoga of the long hūm.--The path of the transcendental wisdom: the yoga of the voidness.
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  27. Intuition as a basic source of moral knowledge.Thomas W. Smythe & Thomas G. Evans - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (2):233-247.
    The idea that intuition plays a basic role in moral knowledge and moral philosophy probably began in the eighteenth century. British philosophers such as Anthony Shaftsbury, Francis Hutcheson, Thomas Reid, and later David Hume talk about a “moral sense” that they place in John Locke’s theory of knowledge in terms of Lockean reflexive perceptions, while Richard Price seeks a faculty by which we obtain our ideas of right and wrong. In the twentieth century intuitionism in moral philosophy was revived by (...)
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  28. A Study of Time in Modern Physics.Peter W. Evans - 2011 - Dissertation,
    This thesis is a study of the notion of time in modern physics, consisting of two parts. Part I takes seriously the doctrine that modern physics should be treated as the primary guide to the nature of time. To this end, it offers an analysis of the various conceptions of time that emerge in the context of various physical theories and, furthermore, an analysis of the relation between these conceptions of time and the more orthodox philosophical views on the nature (...)
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  29.  60
    The Two Sides of Interventionist Causation.Peter W. Evans & Sally Shrapnel - manuscript
    Pearl and Woodward are both well-known advocates of interventionist causation. What is less well-known is the interesting relationship between their respective accounts. In this paper we discuss the different perspectives of causation these two accounts present and show that they are two sides of the same coin. Pearl’s focus is on leveraging global network constraints to correctly identify local causal relations. The rules by which global causal structures are composed from distinct causal relations are precisely defined by the global constraints. (...)
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  30.  36
    " Cortaysye" in Middle English.W. O. Evans - 1967 - Mediaeval Studies 29 (1):143-157.
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  31.  47
    On the application of the lorentz transformation in O (3) electrodynamics.M. W. Evans - 2000 - Apeiron 7 (1-2):15.
  32. A graphic measure for game-theoretic robustness.Randy Au Patrick Grim, Robert Rosenberger Nancy Louie, Evan Selinger William Braynen & E. Eason Robb - 2008 - Synthese 163 (2):273-297.
    Robustness has long been recognized as an important parameter for evaluating game-theoretic results, but talk of ‘robustness’ generally remains vague. What we offer here is a graphic measure for a particular kind of robustness (‘matrix robustness’), using a three-dimensional display of the universe of 2 × 2 game theory. In such a measure specific games appear as specific volumes (Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt, etc.), allowing a graphic image of the extent of particular game-theoretic effects in terms of those games. The (...)
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  33. What can bouncing oil droplets tell us about quantum mechanics?Peter W. Evans & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-32.
    A recent series of experiments have demonstrated that a classical fluid mechanical system, constituted by an oil droplet bouncing on a vibrating fluid surface, can be induced to display a number of behaviours previously considered to be distinctly quantum. To explain this correspondence it has been suggested that the fluid mechanical system provides a single-particle classical model of de Broglie’s idiosyncratic ‘double solution’ pilot wave theory of quantum mechanics. In this paper we assess the epistemic function of the bouncing oil (...)
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    Aiding and Abetting: U.S. Foreign Assistance and State Violence by Jessica Trisko Darden.Evan W. Sandlin - 2020 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):129-131.
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    The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation: Or the Method of Realizing Nirvana through Knowing the Mind.W. Y. Evans-Wentz - 1955 - Philosophy East and West 5 (1):79-80.
  36.  20
    The world archaeological congress and the south african archaeologists.J. D. Evans, J. C. Onyango-Abuje, P. Sinclair, D. Kiyaga-Mulindwa, Bassey W. Andah, P. D. Zuze, A. Bolaji Akinyemi, Shapua Kokungua, Murziline Parchment & Anna Ridehalgh - forthcoming - Minerva.
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  37.  23
    Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies (review).Evan W. Cameron - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (2):492-494.
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  38.  19
    The Penny World of T. S. Eliot.David W. Evans - 1958 - Renascence 10 (3):121-128.
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  39.  15
    Comparison of quark mixing in the standard and generational models.Peter W. Evans & Brian A. Robson - 2006 - International Journal of Modern Physics E 15:617--625.
    The different interpretations of quark mixing involved in weak interaction processes in the Standard Model and the Generation Model are discussed with a view to obtaining a physical understanding of the Cabibbo angle and related quantities. It is proposed that hadrons are composed of mixed-quark states, with the quark mixing parameters being determined by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements. In this model, protons and neutrons contain a contribution of about 5% and 10%, respectively, of strange valency quarks.
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    How to gain evidence for causation in disease and therapeutic intervention: from Koch’s postulates to counter-counterfactuals.David W. Evans - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (3):509-521.
    Researchers, clinicians, and patients have good reasons for wanting answers to causal questions of disease and therapeutic intervention. This paper uses microbiologist Robert Koch’s pioneering work and famous postulates to extrapolate a logical sequence of evidence for confirming the causes of disease: association between individuals with and without a disease; isolation of causal agents; and the creation of a counterfactual. This paper formally introduces counter-counterfactuals, which appear to have been used, perhaps intuitively, since the time of Koch and possibly earlier. (...)
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  41.  77
    The charge quantization condition inO(3) vacuum electrodynamics.M. W. Evans - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (1):175-181.
    The existence of the longitudinal field B (3) in the vacuum implies that the gauge group of electrodynamics is O(3),and not U(1) [or O(2)].This results directly in the charge quantization condition e=h(ϰ/A (0)).This condition is derived independently in this paper from the relativistic motion of one electron in the field and is shown to he that in which the electron travels infinitesimally close to the speed of light.
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  42. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, second edition.W. Y. Evans-Wentz - 1961 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 23 (1):171-172.
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  43.  10
    Generation of slip by pressurization of LiF single crystals containing cavities.R. A. Evans, A. S. Wronski & B. A. W. Redfeen - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (6):1381-1398.
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  44.  97
    Quantum Causal Models, Faithfulness, and Retrocausality.Peter W. Evans - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3):745-774.
    Wood and Spekkens argue that any causal model explaining the EPRB correlations and satisfying the no-signalling constraint must also violate the assumption that the model faithfully reproduces the statistical dependences and independences—a so-called ‘fine-tuning’ of the causal parameters. This includes, in particular, retrocausal explanations of the EPRB correlations. I consider this analysis with a view to enumerating the possible responses an advocate of retrocausal explanations might propose. I focus on the response of Näger, who argues that the central ideas of (...)
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  45.  37
    Competing Concerns: Balancing Human Rights and National Security in US Economic Aid Allocation.Evan W. Sandlin - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (4):439-462.
    This paper theorizes that the effect of human rights violations on US economic aid is conditioned by the salience of US national security concerns. National security concerns will be more salient in situations where recipients contribute to maintaining US security and in temporal eras when the USA is perceived as being under increased external threat. As the relational and temporal salience of national security increases, any negative effect of human rights violations on US economic aid should decrease. I test this (...)
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  46.  7
    What is it like to be unitarily reversed?Peter W. Evans - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-14.
    There has been in recent years a huge surge of interest in the so-called extended Wigner’s friend scenario (EWFS). In short, a series of theorems (with some variation in detail) puts pressure on the ability of different agents in the scenario to account for each of the others’ measured outcomes: the outcomes cannot be assigned single well-defined values while also satisfying other reasonable physical assumptions. These theorems have been interpreted as showing that there can be no absolute, third-person, ‘God’s eye’ (...)
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  47.  46
    A Maritain Analysis.Joseph W. Evans - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (4):585-589.
  48.  27
    A Maritain Bibliography.Joseph W. Evans - 1972 - New Scholasticism 46 (1):118-128.
  49.  15
    Gap junctions: Towards a molecular structure.W. Howard Evans - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (1):1-6.
    Gap junctions are ubiquitous plasma membrane specializations that allow cells to exchange small molecules and ions directly. The isolation, biochemical characterization and molecular cloning of the major protein of rat liver gap junctions lead to a clearer view of these membrane zones that allow cells to ‘talk’ to each other and co‐ordinate their activities in tissues and organs.
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  50.  17
    Great Political Thinkers.Joseph W. Evans - 1953 - New Scholasticism 27 (2):226-229.
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